My son just called me, excited about a book he had found called "Enchantment Encumbered."
He and another inmate used the guidelines they found to celebrate the Equinox, and are
planning a Samhain celebration. They deviated slightly and added that their families are
never hungry; I assured him it was fine.
A couple of days ago a guy came up to him and asked if he was Wiccan, and said he and a
couple more guys are as well. Now there is a group of 6 that will be participating in the
Samhain celebration!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your book. My son has finally found the spiritual
path he has been looking for that resonates in his heart. I was fairly certain that this
would be his path but never pushed, only encouraged him to check out all religions until
he found the one that resonated. He has found it.
He will be sending a letter soon with questions about specifics of practicing within
prison guidelines, but I wanted to share this with you now.
Blessed Be!
W. O.
N. Cole:
I was just released from prison July 27, 2016. I had the book Enchantment
Encumbered and it helped so much. I donated it to another inmate when I was
released as it’s hard to get Wiccan Bibles in Arkansas prison.
12/15/14 - This is from P.C., who is in North Carolina:
Enchantment is just the book I needed. Now I have the confidence to practice
casting/banishing in the yard two or three mornings a week when the yard's half
10/18/14 - From BR in California:
I am writing to thank you for your book Enchantment Encumbered. A friend let
me borrow it and I am learning a lot and life is just starting to make sense.
10/15/14 - From SD in Pennsylvania:
I just wanted to let you know that my understanding of Wicca as a religion has
grown tremendously with your help, and that I appreciate you all taking your
time to help.
10/08/14 - This is from CND in Arkansas:
I want you to know how much I still enjoy and continue using the book Enchantment
Encumbered. It really is a must for all prisoners or those confined to one space.
I wish I could send one to every person I know.
10/01/14 - Petersburg Low
N.C.D. in Arkansas, July 2014:
"I cannot say thank you enough. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Because
of your guidance and training through Enchantment Encumbered, I know for sure
that my guilt, hurt, and pain are gone. I now have peace with my father.
He died in 2011 while I've been locked up. Although I was able to go to the
hospital for a bedside visit, Dad was in a coma so I couldn't speak with him.
A week later he died and I was able to go to the funeral. None of that helped
with the guilt, hurt, and pain of being incarcerated when Dad died. On
Father's Day, in my Circle, I followed the guide and read my dad's obituary,
wrote a poem and read it, and read a card a friend sent. I cried hard during
this and felt the God and Goddess hug me. During my meditation, ... the Horned
God said, "Son, your dad forgave you the day you got locked up. Be at peace,
and the Great Mother and I will show you the way to stay in that peace." I
did celebrate later with my dad's favorite - banana pudding cupcake, and I
even felt led to call my mother. I told her I felt like Dad would have wanted
me to call and tell her I loved her. She laughed and said that sounded just like
him. Walls were broken down that day between Mom and I."
B.J. in Texas, March 2014:
"About the middle of last year I requested that you
send a letter to my unit chaplain regarding Cakes and Ale as a sacrament. Thanks to
your letter, we have won a partial victory. TDJC has added a full feast to our Yule
celebration, definitely a step in the right direction. Thank you for your help."
KF in Ohio, in a letter dated 31 March 14:
While I have been studying and discussing the Craft with others on the compound,
there has been no question come up that one of us has not been able to answer.
Your flyers and brochures have been very helpful.
From RR in California (in an April, 2014 letter
Your book is so, so awesome and I truly enjoy reading it and practicing from it.
Page 98 states, "However, the strict adjustments inmates need to make will
sharpen anyone's 'energy skills,' and those skills will serve you well for the
rest of your life."
Am writing to say thanks for telling me about MEM's book about practicing Wicca
in restricted environments. I wrote a formal request to the prison officials here
for it, and they approved it. So, now the ability to practice has been greatly
enhanced, because we actually have stuff we can do for the activities portion of
our Sabbat rituals. I am forever grateful to your for telling me about this.
Thanks lots! Blessed be!
--- RJ, in Arizona
I am writing to thank you for your wonderful book, Enchantment Encumbered.
It is an excellent book and will have a permanent home in my library, here and
upon release.
-- CT, Florida; March, 2013
I would like to thank you oh-so-much for your book. Once I started reading it
I couldn't put it down. I found it so informative I believe every Wiccan should
read it.
--- ND, California; April 2013
I can't begin to tell you what a blessing it is to receive your reply to my
letter. It is the brightest light upon me in the time of duress in this Dark
Cave of hopelessness.
--- HJ, Utah (May, 2013)
from NO in Missouri, November 2013:
Your book Enchantment Encumbered is an inspiration to me. I really like the way
it's written. It is direct and to the point, as well as informative. I use Enchantment
Encumbered whenever I teach.
from G.J. in New Mexico:
I don't know if you realize how wonderful Mother Earth Ministries is. You have
helped us so much with flyers and information. It has helped us build our coven,
celebrate the Sabbats and Esbats, and provided us with much needed information and
possible contacts. We want you to know we appreciate everything you do. We hope
you will be around for many years to come.
from C.C. in Texas:
I received Enchantment Encumbered on the 13th. I haven't been able to put it down.
I find it answering questions I hadn't even thought to ask. I am grateful that you
took the time to compile such a thorough and user-friendly back-to-basics handbook.
I have several Christian friends who wish to read Enchantment "to get rid of the
stereotypical ignorance" they've been taught about Wicca and Paganism (their words).
In October, from GM in Pennsylvania:
I want you to know that Enchantment Encumbered is the best Wiccan book I've read
on how to practice. I absolutely like the way this book was formatted and the way
everything is explained.